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Join date: Jul 8, 2022



Many novice students do not know that in addition to the usual lectures, other delights of the university are waiting for them, for example, a seminar. College seminar courses tend to be short and usually run under the guidance of a professor. First-year students do not often get to such events, basically, third-year students and other “finalists” of the university are seen in them. As a rule, many lecturers expect students to actively and consistently attend such events. It will be even better if students participate in university seminars. A huge plus for the student will be the initiative to make presentations and participate in discussions. Let's find out more about what the seminar course is and how it works passes

What specialties are included in the seminar courses?

Many students ask themselves the question: "Seminars are held in all specialties?". In short, yes. The seminar course is held in almost all faculties. Some do it often, others not so much. But, there are statistics according to which seminars are often held in certain faculties. You may encounter a workshop at:

  • Linguistics

  • Philology

  • Philosophies

  • And others.

Such events have a specific purpose - to bring students to discussion and research. University students should not only learn and have information and skills. It is important to be able to defend your position and back it up with arguments.

Participation in a seminar

When you attend lectures, you usually interact with a group of students. As for the seminars, it's a completely different atmosphere. Such events are held in small groups, which give you the opportunity to explore the relevant issues in more detail and conduct research. They often involve lectures, but can also give you the opportunity to participate. Workshop facilitators may involve students. Be prepared for what you may be asked to:

• state your personal research that you have done

• explain your position in relation to other studies

• anwser the questions.

Be prepared for any outcome of events. When you take part in the discussions at the seminar, present your point of view, agree or disagree with the views expressed, it is important for you to be confident and not try to outguess your opponent. Do not neglect the point of view of the seminar participants. Study the arguments and collaborate in pairs. These aspects are very important in the process of studying at universities.


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